The Ultimate Guide to Acing the Walmart Assessment Test - Marketing Scoop (2024)

So you‘ve applied for a job at Walmart and landed an interview – congratulations! But before you can start your new role, there‘s one more crucial step: passing the Walmart assessment test.

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This comprehensive exam is designed to evaluate if you have the right skills and traits to succeed in Walmart‘s fast-paced, customer-centric environment. It covers everything from your problem-solving abilities to your work style and personality.

As a longtime retail manager and current consumer behavior consultant, I‘ve seen countless candidates struggle with pre-employment assessments. But with the proper preparation and mindset, you can conquer the Walmart assessment and secure your spot on the team.

In this guide, I‘ll share:

  • A detailed breakdown of each section of the Walmart assessment
  • Expert insights on what Walmart looks for in applicants
  • Proven test-taking strategies to improve your performance
  • Sample questions and FAQs
  • Encouragement and motivation to help you succeed

But first, let‘s look at some eye-opening statistics on Walmart‘s hiring process:

  • Walmart employs 2.3 million associates worldwide, including 1.5 million in the U.S. alone. (Source)
  • Each year, Walmart receives over 5 million applications and hires around 200,000 new associates in the U.S. (Source)
  • Pre-employment assessments have been shown to reduce turnover by 20-70%. (Source)

Simply put, landing a job at Walmart is highly competitive, and the assessment plays a significant role in determining which candidates move forward. By investing time in preparing for the assessment, you‘re giving yourself a valuable edge.

The 4 Core Sections of the Walmart Assessment

The Walmart assessment consists of four main sections:

  1. Customer service scenarios
  2. Problem-solving and math questions
  3. Work experience and history
  4. Personality and behavioral questions

1. Customer Service Scenarios

Walmart is renowned for its "10 Foot Rule" – if a customer comes within 10 feet of you, smile, greet them, and ask if they need assistance. This reflects how much the company prioritizes excellent customer service.

In this section, you‘ll face situational judgment questions that test how you would handle common (and not so common) retail scenarios. Expect questions like:

  • How would you respond to a customer attempting to use an expired coupon?
  • What would you do if you noticed a spill or tripping hazard on the sales floor?
  • How would you handle a customer loudly expressing frustration with a long checkout line?

Walmart looks for associates who remain warm, level-headed, and solution-oriented even in stressful situations. When in doubt, choose the response that:

  • Demonstrates patience and active listening
  • Shows a sense of urgency to resolve the issue
  • Adheres to store policy while still aiming to satisfy the customer
  • Involves asking for help from a manager or colleague if needed

Here‘s a sample question to practice with:

A customer approaches you with a coffee maker they want to return. However, they don‘t have a receipt, and the item is clearly used. How would you handle this situation?

A. Politely inform the customer that you cannot accept the return without a receipt and offer to help them find a similar item to purchase.

B. Tell the customer to come back when they have the receipt, then walk away.

C. Accept the return to avoid an argument and figure out what to do with the item later.

D. Calmly explain the return policy and offer to call a manager to discuss making an exception.

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The correct answer is D.

This response demonstrates empathy for the customer‘s situation while still upholding store policy. By offering to involve a manager, you show a willingness to pursue a solution without overstepping your authority. Answers A and B fail to fully address the customer‘s needs, while C violates policy.

The customer service section is one of the most important on the assessment, so take your time with these questions and aim to showcase adaptability, initiative, and a genuine desire to help.

2. Problem-Solving and Math Questions

In addition to people skills, Walmart wants to hire associates with the ability to analyze information, think critically, and make sound decisions. Many retail roles also involve basic math, from totaling purchases to making change.

Common topics covered in this section include:

  • Interpreting graphs, charts, and tables
  • Comparing and converting units of measurement
  • Calculating discounts, sales tax, and profit margins
  • Using logic to identify patterns or spot errors in data
  • Proposing solutions to inventory or scheduling issues

Expect to see problem-solving questions in the form of word problems and data interpretation. Here‘s an example:

A customer purchases a $120 coffee maker on sale for 20% off. If the sales tax rate is 6%, what is the total amount the customer will pay?

A. $100.80
B. $102.14
C. $105.60
D. $112.70

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The correct answer is A.

To solve this problem:

  1. Calculate the discounted price: $120 x 0.8 = $96
  2. Calculate the sales tax: $96 x 0.06 = $5.76
  3. Add the discounted price and tax: $96 + $5.76 = $101.76, which rounds to $100.80

If you struggle with math, I recommend brushing up on the basics with online practice questions. During the assessment, carefully review the available data, identify the key values and steps needed, and double-check your calculations.

3. Work Experience and History

This section is Walmart‘s way of getting to know your professional background and qualifications. You‘ll be asked to detail:

  • Your most recent jobs, including titles, employers, start and end dates
  • Your primary responsibilities and achievements in each role
  • Relevant skills, certifications, or training you‘ve acquired
  • Reasons for leaving previous positions

Walmart favors candidates with at least some retail or customer service experience, as it leads to a faster learning curve. However, if you‘re new to the workforce, you can still use this section to your advantage.

Focus on highlighting any experience that demonstrates:

  • Strong communication skills
  • A solid work ethic and reliability
  • An aptitude for teamwork and collaboration
  • An eagerness to learn and grow
  • Comfort working in a fast-paced setting

For instance, if you‘ve volunteered at a food bank, organized a fundraiser, or led a class project, those are all great examples to showcase. Use strong action verbs like "managed," "coordinated," and "achieved" to describe your impact.

4. Personality and Behavioral Questions

Finally, Walmart wants to learn more about your personality, work style, and behavioral tendencies to determine if you‘ll be a good fit for their culture. In this section, you‘ll see statements like:

  • I enjoy working independently with little direction.
  • I prefer to stick to a predictable routine.
  • I consider myself outgoing and energetic.
  • I‘m always looking for ways to improve processes.

You‘ll be asked to rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement, typically on a five-point scale.

The key to this section is answering honestly and consistently. Walmart uses these questions to understand your innate traits, how you‘re likely to approach your work, and what kind of team environment you‘ll thrive in.

It can be tempting to choose the answers you think Walmart wants to see, but resist that urge. Not only can inconsistencies hurt your assessment results, but you also risk ending up in a role that‘s a poor fit for your personality.

Instead, consider what traits are essential for success in the Walmart role you want. Broadly speaking, Walmart values associates who are:

  • Adaptable to change and eager to learn
  • Motivated to hit goals and targets
  • Open to feedback and coaching
  • Customer-focused and positive under pressure
  • Capable of solving problems independently
  • Effective working both solo and collaboratively

By identifying which of those qualities come naturally to you, you can frame your personality in the best possible light while still being authentic.

Test-Taking Strategies to Set Yourself Up for Success

While understanding the content of the Walmart assessment is critical, your test-taking approach is equally important. These proven strategies can help you perform your best:

  1. Take the assessment seriously and block off dedicated time. Find a quiet, distraction-free environment and silence your phone notifications. Aim to complete the entire assessment in one sitting so you can stay focused.

  2. Read each question carefully and pay attention to keywords. Look for terms like "best," "least," "always," or "never" that can affect the meaning of the question. If needed, reread the question or refer back to provided data before selecting your answer.

  3. Manage your time wisely, but don‘t rush. Most candidates take around an hour to complete the Walmart assessment. Keep a steady pace and don‘t let yourself get stuck on one question for too long. If you‘re unsure, make an educated guess and move on. You can always flag it to revisit if time allows.

  4. Answer questions as if you are already working at Walmart. Frame your responses through the lens of "What would I do in this situation as a Walmart associate?" and aim to embody Walmart‘s values and customer-first mentality.

  5. Trust your gut, but also use logic and past experience. Go with the answer that intuitively feels right, but make sure it holds up to a critical eye too. When in doubt, think back to how you‘ve successfully handled similar situations in school or past jobs.

  6. Stay calm and maintain a positive attitude. If you feel your nerves or frustration rising, pause and take a few deep breaths. Remind yourself that you‘re well-prepared and have the knowledge and skills to pass.

Remember, the Walmart assessment isn‘t designed to trick or stump you. If you take your time, think critically, and draw on your existing experience, you have everything you need to succeed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a burning question I haven‘t addressed yet? Check out these FAQs:

Q: How long does the Walmart assessment typically take?
A: Most candidates complete the assessment within 60 minutes, but there‘s no hard time limit. It‘s better to be thorough than to rush through the questions.

Q: What happens if I don‘t pass the assessment?
A: Unfortunately, if you don‘t pass your first attempt, Walmart requires you to wait 6 months before retaking the assessment. This is why it‘s so important to prepare thoroughly and do your best the first time.

Q: Can I still get hired if I fail the assessment?
A: Passing the assessment is a firm requirement for moving forward in Walmart‘s hiring process. While your interview performance, references, and background check also play a role, you won‘t be hired without passing the assessment.

Q: Does Walmart use the same assessment for all positions?
A: No, there are a few role-specific assessments you should be aware of:

  • Walmart Teaming Assessment: Applicants for supervisory and managerial roles must pass this leadership-focused assessment.
  • Physical Abilities Test (PAT): Candidates for Walmart distribution center positions must demonstrate the ability to safely perform physical tasks like lifting and pulling.

Q: How should I prepare for the Walmart assessment?
A: In addition to studying this guide, I recommend:

  • Taking practice Walmart assessment tests online
  • Reviewing common retail math problems
  • Reflecting on your own customer service and problem-solving approaches
  • Researching Walmart‘s core values and culture
  • Getting plenty of sleep and eating a balanced meal before your assessment
  • Arriving with enough time to get settled and focused before starting

No matter what Walmart role you‘re applying for, remember that the assessment is your chance to showcase the best parts of yourself. Aim to convey enthusiasm, a strong work ethic, stellar people skills, and creative problem-solving throughout the test.

You Have What It Takes to Join the Walmart Team!

Congratulations on making it through this comprehensive guide to passing the Walmart assessment! You‘re now well-equipped with the knowledge, strategies, and confidence you need to conquer the test and move forward in the hiring process.

I know the assessment can feel daunting, but trust me – you have what it takes. If you prepare thoroughly, pay attention to detail, and keep a positive attitude, you‘ll be well on your way to acing the assessment and securing your spot on the Walmart team.

Still feeling a bit nervous? Remember these key takeaways:

  1. Walmart‘s assessment covers four main areas: customer service, problem-solving, work history, and personality. Understanding what each section entails helps you know what to expect.

  2. In the customer service section, aim to choose responses that show empathy, respect, and a willingness to take initiative while still following store policies.

  3. For problem-solving questions, carefully parse out the provided information, determine the key steps involved, and check your work.

  4. Use the work history section to highlight experiences and skills that demonstrate dependability, teamwork, and a customer-first mentality.

  5. In the personality portion, answer truthfully and consistently. Consider what traits will help you thrive in your desired role and lean into those.

  6. Adopt smart test-taking strategies like reading carefully, managing your time wisely, and staying calm under pressure.

  7. If you don‘t pass the first time, don‘t give up! Use the six-month waiting period to practice, reflect, and come back even stronger.

I‘m confident that with the right preparation and mindset, you‘ll not only pass the Walmart assessment, but go on to have a fulfilling career with one of the world‘s largest and most reputable employers.

So take a deep breath, trust in your abilities, and go crush that assessment! I‘m rooting for you every step of the way.


The Ultimate Guide to Acing the Walmart Assessment Test - Marketing Scoop (2024)


How to pass the Walmart assessment test? ›

As you answer each question, think of work situations and not your personal life. Also, try to stay very consistent throughout your answers, as some questions may ask the same thing but in a different disguise. Walmart states that you should work quickly and not spend too long on any questions.

What is the best way to pass an assessment test? ›

Tips to Pass the Pre-Employment Assessment Tests
  1. Understand the purpose of the assessment: ...
  2. Be honest: ...
  3. Practice in advance and identify your strengths: ...
  4. Negative marking: ...
  5. Research well: ...
  6. Time your preparation: ...
  7. Brush up technical skills: ...
  8. Understand your potential employer:

What is Walmart looking for in their assessment? ›

Assessments also include questions about aptitude and personality. The employer will give you some scenarios and a set of responses to see if your work style is compatible with Walmart's culture and values. This stage helps Walmart shortlist the job applicants before interviewing.

How do I know if I passed the Walmart assessment in 2024? ›

Once you finish the Teaming Employment Assessment, you'll see a screen showing you if you failed or passed it. If you fail the assessment, it will show you the date you can retake it.

Can you still get hired if you fail an assessment test? ›

Hiring managers have to take into account the results of failed pre-employment assessment tests, especially if they feel these candidates are a great fit and should still be considered. While it's possible to lower cutoff scores, one must apply this new standard to all applicants.

How long does it take to retake the Walmart assessment test? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

To retake the Walmart assessment, you must wait six months. Candidates who don't pass a Walmart exam have six months from the date of the failed test to retake it.

How to answer the question why do you want to work at Walmart? ›

SUGGESTED ANSWER: “I am a professional, respectful, customer-focused and committed person who wants to work for an organization that has strong values and ethics.

Is Walmart interview tough? ›

What was your interview like at Walmart? When asked in an Indeed survey about the difficulty of their interview at Walmart, most respondents said it was easy. Indeed's survey asked over 46,123 respondents whether they felt that their interview at Walmart was a fair assessment of their skills. 81% said yes.

What happens after Walmart assessment? ›

Candidates reviewed

Next, a personnel associate will sort through applications and reach out directly to those that match the shift and position they are attempting to fill, to determine who the best fit will be. Onsite interviews will be conducted with candidates that are identified in this process.

How do you know if you failed the Walmart assessment test? ›

To know if you have passed the Walmart assessment, you will typically receive an email notification from Walmart. This email will inform you of the results and next steps in the hiring process.

Does assessment active mean I passed? ›

Assessment active on a Walmart application means you passed Walmart's employee assessment test. After passing the test, you do not have to retake it for two years.

What does competitive mean on Walmart assessment test? ›

A Non-Competitive means you did not pass and won't be eligible to apply for a managerial position before retaking the exam in 6 months time. Competitive Tier I means you pass but can only apply for Current Department and Academy Trainer positions.

Is the Walmart maintenance test hard? ›

Recognized as one of Walmart's most challenging evaluations, this test is pivotal for aspiring maintenance technicias and repair technicians.

Does Walmart assessment active mean I passed? ›

Assessment active on a Walmart application means you passed Walmart's employee assessment test. After passing the test, you do not have to retake it for two years.

How do you pass an assessment center test? ›

How to Make the Best of Assessment Centers?
  1. Prepare yourself for the interviews.
  2. Practice some mock assessment tests.
  3. Always remember your work etiquette.
  4. Get a good night's sleep.
  5. Case Studies.
  6. Group Exercises.
  7. In-tray or E-tray Exercises.
  8. Written Exercises.

How do you know if you passed the Walmart management assessment? ›

To know if you have passed the Walmart assessment, you will typically receive an email notification from Walmart. This email will inform you of the results and next steps in the hiring process.


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.