Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (2024)


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Welcome to my new Glowing Skin Series!

With colder months on the way, I thought it would be fun to do a little beauty series to keep our skin glowing and hydrated through the upcoming winter. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing my favorite DIY face masks, scrubs, winter skin tips and more! See my Natural Vegan Skincare Routine for a daily look into what I use.

Would be nice to keep that summer glow year round, right?! This mask is not only brightening but it’s great for acne-prone skin (or any skin!) and bringing you a glowy complexion.

The vegan police may be after me for this one though… while I do not consume honey, I’ve always loved the medicinal properties for the skin. Mainly pointing towards manuka honey, the healing aspects are endless. I bought this manuka honeyfrom Trader Joe’s over the summer without thinking… then started to feel major guilt that I ignorantly bought it in the first place. Vegans aren’t supposed to eat/use honey and there is great debate about this in the vegan community… refer back to this post outlining my thoughts on plant based vs. vegan. If you’re concerned, simply swap it out for agave nectar to achieve the same sticky consistency.

Normally, I wouldn’t purchase any products with honey so… not sure what I was thinking.. but I have a small bottle of it and I’m not going to beat myself up over it. I’m going to use it for beauty related purposes like this Brightening Turmeric DIY Face Mask 🙂

Manuka honey originates from New Zealand, where the bees feast on flowers of the Tea Tree Plant.

This potent manuka honey is especially great for:

  • Healing acne and scarring
  • Fighting skin infections
  • Cleaning pores while naturally exfoliating
  • Helping skin to retain moisture
  • Rejuvenating radiance and softness

Not to mention its:

  • anti-bacterial
  • anti-inflammatory
  • anti-fungal
  • high in antioxidants!

The consistency is much thicker than regular honey with a cloudy appearance. My skin is totally moisturized and balanced after soaking up some healing manuka honey. It’s magical stuff. I’m no honey expert, since I bought it from Trader Joe’s, but I know there are higher quality manuka honey products out there with higher UMF (potency) scores like this one from Manuca Doctor.

The next essential ingredient for this DIY face mask is turmeric – a real wonder spice – and not just for curry recipes! This vibrant spice is totally beautifying. I was inspired to use it from my Golden Glow Elixir Juice that you guys seemed to love as much as I did (it really helps immunity in the winter months too!) Indian brides have long used turmericbody scrubs and masks before their wedding days to illuminate from head to toe.

Benefits of Turmeric:

  • reduces redness
  • treats breakouts
  • helps with age spots
  • reduces scarring and hyperpigmentation
  • helps to heal psoriasis and eczema
  • brightens and tones
  • anti-inflammatory

Fresh turmeric would be even better but I only had ground turmeric on hand. It is known to stain so be sure to wear a shirt you don’t care about and dry your face with a dark towel. It will leave a slight yellow tint on the skin so I usually wash with my normal sulfur soaponce or twice after the mask and the yellow tint washes away, no problem.

Next up is fresh lemon juice! Lemon is high in vitamin C which is essential for brightening and evening out skin tone. It’s anti-bacterial which is especially helpful for breakouts and acts as a natural exfoliant for radiance. Lemon is known to help with acne scars too. Don’t worry, this mask doesn’t sting at all as lemon juice tends to do that.. but it feels soothing and balancing on the skin.

Oats are the last ingredient for this face mask and are super moisturizing, not to mention exfoliating and softening on the skin. I blended up my oats a bit in the food processor but you can also use oat flour. The mask does get a bit messy depending on how finely ground the oats are so be sure to apply this mask over the sink.


Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (4)

Brightening Turmeric and Lemon DIY Face Mask

★★★★★5 from 3 reviews

  • Author: Shannon Leparski
  • Prep Time: 5
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 1 1x
  • Category: Beauty
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Brightening Lemon and Turmeric face mask that is also hydrating and makes your skin glowy!




  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix until well combined.
  2. Apply over the sink, on a clean face.
  3. Leave mask on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off gently with warm water.
  4. You may need to wash your face a couple times to remove the yellow tint.

Keywords: diy lemon turmeric face mask, diy face mask, lemon turmeric mask, brightening diy face mask, turmeric face mask, lemon face mask

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LOL, looking CRAYin this mask… but it feels so nice and soothing. Let me know if you try it!

You Might Like These too:

  • Natural Body Care
  • Vitamin C Serum for Glowy Skin
  • The Beautifier Smoothie
  • Turmeric Glow Lemonade
  • My Natural Vegan Skincare Routine

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Reader Interactions


  1. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (14)Minette

    Easy to make, just a slight tricky to apply if the oatmeal isn’t truly grounded. After the mask my face felt soft and looked brighter. Great mask! I did use half of the turmeric for fear of the yellowing, but it really wasn’t as issue at all. Def will do this mask again!!


    • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (15)Isha

      Great way to get a glowing skin


  2. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (16)sasha

    honestly i have made tons of face masks they either don’t mix together,don’t do anything , give me a reaction, smell really weird or something along those lines. BUT this is the first time a mask has worked and benefited my skin. NO REACTION EITHER!!


  3. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (17)k.varsh*tha

    it was really awesome i did not think it will come soo wow


    • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (18)k.varsh*tha

      i have a doubt if we put turmeric wheat flour curd for a long time is that our face will become yellow


  4. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (19)Beth

    Did it tonight for first time and wow, instant difference in my skin! I’ve always had clear, normal skin. I’m 41 and recently started breaking out like a teenager. Tried this and couldn’t be happier with the results. Wondering, how often should i do this?

    Thanks again this is great!


  5. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (20)srishti

    Thank You for sharing such a nice and informative blog and your knowledge with us. Turmeric is indeed a beneficial ingredient for a perfect skin. You may want to try a turmeric face mask to help reduce acne and any resulting scars. The anti-inflammatory qualities can target your pores and calm the skin. Turmeric is also known to reduce scarring. This combination of uses may help your face clear up from acne breakouts.


  6. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (23)Joann Ibarra

    Can I add MANUKA Essential oil to my regular local raw honey. If so how many drops, two or three drops?


    • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (24)Sadie

      I’d say yes to adding to to your recipe! Start with 1-2 drops!


      • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (25)Esther Abel's chalawil

        Wao that’s amazing so can I add egg York ,lemon and tumeric to my face


  7. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (26)Terry carrico

    Thanks for your suggestion!


  8. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (27)CosmoTree

    great post, thanks for sharing with us.


  9. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (28)Joke

    For how long will it last while selling out???


  10. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (29)Stephani

    I LOVE face and hair masks! I tried this face mask, it works well, love it. I played around with different ingredients adding essential oils and found what worked best for my skin. I use your recipe, no oats though. Add a cpl drops of tea tree and rosemary oil, 1 tbsp of whole milk organic yogurt. Amazing results!! I am highly active and sweat a lot during the day which leaves my skin reddish, clogged pores and oily. This mask totally rejuvenates my skin, the smell of tea tree is calming, like a day at the spa( for 25 minutes). My skin literally transforms from blotchy, oily, uneven tone to healthy radiant glowing picture ready skin. I’ve saved soooooo much $, thanks for leading the way!!!.


  11. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (30)Alexa

    Wearing this at the moment!! Feels fantastic! I’m just using local raw honey, but I’ve always had great results with that. So good to try a new, easy, actually good-for-you mask. I love your site. I will be back! <3


  12. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (31)Annaliese P

    If it is made up beforehand… How long can it be stored?


    • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (32)Shannon Leparski

      Hi Annaliese,

      It’s hard to say, possibly 1-2 weeks? The lemon should help to preserve. If it starts to smell or looks off then discard. Hope this helps!


  13. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (33)Amrit Singh

    Ask a doctor online if you are going through hair loss, online medical counselors will help you find various ways to prevent hair loss. Hair transplant can provide permanent solution to hair loss problem.


  14. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (34)Janet

    How many times need to apply in a week?Thanks


    • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (35)Anike

      Hi, I have done the mixture but please how often in a week can I use the mask


    • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (36)ashley

      Just tried this and wow I loved it…just wondering if it would be ok to make in a larger batch and how to store?


  15. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (37)Amanda

    Would organic honey work as well? The manuka is a bit too expensive for such a small jar.


  16. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (38)Devbabbar

    I tried this turmeric diy face mask , to some extent it worked well. Thank you for sharing it. Hope its result will remain same as it.


  17. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (39)Milcah Akinyi

    I applied Turmeric, lemon and honey combination twice and my face got more acne than it had should i stop or it is a normal reaction for the beginners.


  18. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (41)Ifunanya

    I just applied it, and my skin is peppery. Does it feel like pepper on the face?


  19. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (42)Maggie

    I tried this today. My skin has been problematic lately (breakouts, incredibly dry skin, any amount of makeup I put on just looks cakey) and this felt gentle enough while still being exfoliating! The recipe was enough for two applications, so I’ll try it again next week. Thanks for your blog. It is really helping me to make holistic lifestyle changes.


  20. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (43)Taranie

    I definitely have to try this. Hope this works. Thank you :))


  21. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (44)David Deans

    I have used lots of products but I this product really work. Thank you for sharing such a great skin care tips and products with us!


  22. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (45)Timothee

    If you have any left after making a batch, is there a way you can store it to use it for next time? Like maybe keep it in the fridge or something? Wrapped?


    • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (46)Shannon Leparski

      Hi Timothee, yes wrapping it and storing in the fridge should work fine!


  23. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (47)FINOLA HUDGES



  24. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (48)Jenny

    Hi Shannon,
    Turmeric on a facial mask, now that’s new to me but I would really love to have it a go. I have a very dry skin and I easily get breakouts. Thanks for sharing!


  25. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (49)sean

    Not too understanding what the push and pull issue is with honey. Comes from plants, made by bees, all around good properties to fresh honey out the hive.

    As a sugar source I see the controversy yet not one vegan is ever without a sugar of sort through diet.
    How can one dispel what nature has provided for you in the simplest form with such great attributes?


    • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (51)Veronica

      i hope it workz for me….. i have extremely oily skin


      • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (52)Olly

        Like I hope so too, cause I have oily skin too.


  26. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (54)Madalyn

    Just did this! My skin feels amazing!!!!! Thanks!


  27. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (55)Sheila Nico

    Exfoliation sounds easy enough! I have to really try this! is this not that harsh to the skin? I guess my Solvaderm can fix that but I dont really want to take the risk. Is this sure not to irritate my face that it will actually cause pimples?


  28. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (56)Mphoza

    Thanks for an advice..I will try …was struggling with blemishes


  29. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (57)Natasha

    So how do you get the stain off after using turmeric?


    • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (58)Shannon Leparski

      Hi Natasha, you just wash it off with warm water and your normal face cleanser, you may need to wash it 2 or 3 times but it always comes off. I kind of like the extra glow it gives!


    • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (59)Anil

      Whats up me +917411469015


  30. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (60)neo

    can is work for men & can i mix olive oil?


  31. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (61)Meraj

    I don’t have manuka honey, so can I use the regular one, thanks


    • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (62)mariza

      Can I use regular honey my store doesn’t have manuka and how many times a week must I apply the mask


      • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (63)Shannon Leparski

        Hi Mariza,

        Yes you can use regular honey and apply as often as you like! There’s no requirement of how often to apply. I recommend 2 times a week.


        • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (64)Liz

          Hi! You can’t use regular honey. The process that they use to make traditional honey removes the ant-bacterial properties of raw honey


          • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (65)Sean

            The antibacterial majority is in the Time rich.
            Honey is a base that allows the flour to adhere to your skin.
            Oat flour will absorb moisture/oils as well as the tumeric.
            Honey is to make it stick.


  32. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (66)Danielle

    Can I store this mask in the refrigerator to reuse? And if so for how long?


    • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (67)Shannon Leparski

      Hi Danielle! Yes – I don’t see why not! I assume it could stay for up to a week or two if covered 🙂


  33. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (68)Isabelle

    I just did this and my face is orange. The orange won’t wash off.


    • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (69)Natasha

      How did you get it off in the end?


      • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (70)Dave

        In India the ladies use a special kind of turmeric called Kasthuri Manjal, which does not stain the face. Try Indian stores in western countries. They may carry this kind of turmeric. Or try for kasturi turmeric herbal powder.


        • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (71)Vanessa annie Mbeya

          Yes i recommend this thats the one i am using i bought it from this other indian shop it doesnt stain the face and its actually written tumeric for face. Its helping.


  34. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (72)Angie

    Thanks for sharing! I will give it a try. Just to make sure how often can you do this mask?




  35. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (73)hira khan

    These are some nice face masks. I like adding turmeric to any face mask I use as it has antiseptic properties.


  36. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (74)Emilie @ Emilie Eats

    Ooooh I’ll have to try these to keep my skin nice and vibrant during the winter!


    • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (75)Shannon Leparski

      Hey Emilie. Yeah I’m right there with ya 🙂 anything to keep our skin vibrant right?!



  37. Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (76)Lawrence

    turmeric is really good. I often mask with turmeric and milk. I think your mask is good, too.


    • Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (77)Shannon Leparski

      Thanks Lawrence! Love all the ways we can use turmeric in a face mask 🙂


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Glowing Skin Series: Brightening Turmeric + Lemon DIY Face Mask (2024)


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.